parvum Moredun Cervine (passaged in calves) Scotland C parvum Ch2 Human Yorkshire, England C hominis C. hominis GQ983348 IbA10G2 GQ983356 Ch3 Human North Wales C hominis C. hominis GQ983350 IbA10G2 GQ983358 Ch4 Human Cumbria, England C hominis C.
hominis GQ983352 IbA10G2 GQ983360 Cp2 Human Devon, England C parvum buy AZD6244 C parvum GQ983349 IIaA18G3R1 GQ983357 Cp3 Human Cumbria, England C parvum C parvum GQ983351 IIaA17G1R1 GQ983359 Cp4 Human Grampian, Scotland C parvum C. parvum GQ983353 IIaA15G2R1 GQ983361 W7265 (W65) Human Leicestershire, England C parvum C. parvum GU971620 IIcA5G3 GU971624 W7266 (W66) Human Leicestershire, England C parvum C. parvum GU971621 IIcA5G3 GU971625 W7267 (W67) Human Leicestershire, England C parvum C. parvum GU971622 IIcA5G3 GU971626 W7270 (W70) Human Leicestershire, England C parvum
C. parvum GU971623 IIcA5G3 GU971627 W17330 (rabbit 1) Human Northampton-shire, England C hominis Rabbit genotype FJ262726 VaA18 FJ262732 W18455 (rabbit 2) Human Shropshire, selleck chemical England C hominis Rabbit genotype GU971628 VaA23 GU971631 W17525 (rabbit 3) Human Suffolk, England C hominis Rabbit genotype GU971629 VaA32 GU971632 (W17435 (rabbit 4) Human Essex, England C hominis Rabbit genotype GU971630 VaA22 GU971633 Details of the host, the geographical origin and the genotyping data of C. parvum and C. hominis isolates and reference strains, which DNA was tested during this study. Table 3 PCR results of other Cryptosporidium species. C. andersoni C. felis Cervine genotype C. meleagridis C. baileyi Cgd2_80 – - – + – Cgd2_2430 + – - – - Cgd6_200 – - – + – Cgd6_5020 – + – + – Cgd8_2370 – - – + – Chro.20156 – - – - – Chro.50317 – - – + -
Chro.50330 – - – + – Chro.30149 – - + + – Chro.50457 – - – + – DNA from C. andersoni, C. felis, cervine genotype, C. meleagridis and C. baileyi was tested by PCR using the newly designed primers. Figure 1 Amplification of Cryptosporidium DNA from clinical isolates and reference strains. A: amplification of 266 bp of Cgd2_80 gene, B: amplification of 368 bp of Chro.50330 gene. Both Cryptosporidium species and all isolates were PCR positive. MW: molecular weight, 1: Cp2, 2: Cp3, 3: Cp4, 4: Ch2, 5:Ch3, 6: Ch4, 7: Iowa, 8: Moredun, 9: Protein kinase N1 TU502, NTC: non template control. Interestingly, for Cgd2_2430 gene, only C. andersoni DNA was amplified by PCR. For Cgd6_5020, only C. felis DNA was PCR positive and for Chro.30149 primers, cervine genotype DNA was amplified. C. andersoni, cervine genotype and C. felis DNA was amplified by 10% (1/10) of Selleck CCI-779 primers tested. C. baileyi DNA was not amplified by any of the primers tested (Table 3). All positive PCR products were sequenced. PCR product sequences are available online [GenBank: GU904212-GU904405]. The alignments of PCR product sequences for each gene are shown [additional file 1]. One PCR product of C. meleagridis DNA using Chro.50330 primers did not generate good sequence and was therefore excluded from the analysis. In addition, PCR products for C.