Ban et al (2013) note that fisheries and conservation goals in H

Ban et al. (2013) note that fisheries and conservation goals in High Sea areas can be harmonised provided that the goals and objectives of management are clearly described and they outline a “Systematic Conservation Planning” approach to improve the sustainable use of resources by all stakeholders. The structured method outlined here to identify and assess candidate EBSAs against selection criteria is, we hope, a potentially important tool to help nations effectively manage areas of significant marine biodiversity. The original 2010 workshop was supported by a Sloan Foundation grant to the IUCN and GOBI. CenSeam provided additional support for participants.

Input to that workshop is acknowledged from Edward van den Berghe (OBIS), Karen Stocks (SeamountsOnline; University of California, San Diego), and Derek Tittensor (Dalhousie University) learn more for data sets and/or advice. The 2013 workshop was funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Department of Conservation. Additional updated biodiversity (Shannon index) data were provided by OBIS (Ward Appleton) and Duke University (Jesse Cleary). Thanks to Phil Weaver (Seascape Consultants Ltd, UK) for helpful comments on the manuscript. “
“In Bangladesh and many other developing countries, poverty,

intense competition for fishery resources and ineffective Trametinib manufacturer resource management institutions increase the challenges in managing

fisheries conflicts. Destructive Amino acid fishing practices and competition between users of different classes of gear, resulting from ineffective governance and increasing population, are imposing severe stress on the coastal fisheries of Bangladesh. These factors also contribute to the increasing incidence of conflicts among fishery stakeholders (Kuperan and Jahan, 2010). Conflicts take place in fisheries when groups or individuals seek the same resource using different methods or try to utilize the same space for their activities with either party seeking dominance (Bennett et al., 2001, Charles, 1992 and FAO., 2003). Conflicts over access and control of fisheries and aquatic resources are a global phenomenon. However, they have particular importance in developing countries where a significant portion of the population depends on capture fisheries for food and livelihoods. Conflict can lead to violence, but avoiding and shunning conflict is also problematic because unresolved problems may flare up again, often with renewed vigor (Salayo et al., 2006). While a conflict resolution model (Coser, 1967 and Zartman, 1991) assumes that each dispute needs to be conclusively resolved because of its destructive potential, the conflict management approach (Daniels and Walker, 2001) views some level of conflict as inevitable.

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