In order to get a clearer view on the precise function of the pro

In order to get a clearer view on the precise function of the processes underlying familiar and unfamiliar sequences ERK phosphorylation it seems better to separate motor preparation from motor execution. Therefore a modified version of the DSP-task was developed, inspired by the precuing paradigm of Rosenbaum (1980). In Rosenbaum’s paradigm precues (S1) provide specific information about the forthcoming movement. After a delay period an execution/withhold (go/nogo) signal (S2) is presented, which may provide missing information about the forthcoming movement in case of partial or non-informative precues or simply a go/nogo signal. Similar to the S1–S2 paradigm of Rosenbaum,

a go/nogo version of the DSP task was designed in which six key-specific stimuli were presented in sequence, which after a preparatory interval were followed by a go/nogo signal. In case of a go signal, participants were to react as fast and accurately as possible by pressing the six corresponding keys in the indicated order, and in case of a nogo signal responses should be withheld. This modified DSP task allows us to study the preparation phase of sequence learning in isolation from motor execution. To study movement preparation measures derived from the EEG appear especially useful (Dirnberger et al., 2000, Van der Lubbe et al., 2000 and Verleger et al., 2000). Event related potentials (ERPs) are indeed suitable to track the time course of functional processes underlying

movement preparation. In the present study, we employed the contingent negative variation (CNV), the lateralized readiness potential (LRP), and the contralateral delay activity (CDA) to study preparation MS-275 price of motoric sequences, since they give information about several PI-1840 different aspects of preparation. The CNV is a negative going wave with mostly a central maximum that unfolds in the interval between a warning stimulus and an execution signal (e.g. a go/nogo signal) (Jentzsch and Leuthold, 2002 and Verleger et al., 2000). The late CNV is typically maximal at the

Cz electrode and is thought to reflect preparatory motor activity (cf. Brunia, 2004 and Schröter and Leuthold, 2009). What exactly is represented in the CNV is unclear. Cui et al. (2000) suggest that the complexity of the prepared response is reflected in the CNV. In their study a simple and complex motor task were compared. During the simple movement task thumbs were opposing the index fingers three times in a row, by both hands. The complex movement task was the same, except that the second thumb oppositions involved the little fingers instead of the index. An increased late CNV for complex movements as compared with simple movements was obtained, which suggests that more preprogramming is taking place before complex movements compared with simple movements. In contrast with Cui et al., 2000 and Schröter and Leuthold, 2009 suggest that the amount of prepared responses is reflected in the CNV.

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