Malignant transformation of primary or substitutional bladder epi

Malignant transformation of primary or substitutional bladder epithelium is relatively rare, with an approximate risk of 1.2% in patients treated with augmentation cystoplasty.1

Malignant tumors may develop over long periods, usually more than 10 years, in augmented bladders.1 However, these malignant tumors are frequently aggressive and cause the death in nearly 50% of patients.2 Bladder tumors after augmentation cystoplasty are generally adenocarcinoma most commonly located in the region of enterovesical selleck products anastomosis,5 in which urothelial cells at the site of the anastomosis may be susceptible to intestinal metaplasia. Previous reports have shown that urothelial cells at the enterovesical junction acquire characteristic of the enteric epithelium in an experimental canine model of augmentation cystoplasty.6 Furthermore, a variety of gene aberrations have been found in the region of enterovesical anastomosis in patients treated with ileocystoplasty, such as chromosomal numerical abnormalities in chromosomes 18, 9, and

8,7 and p53 mutations. 8 These findings suggest that multiple factors Ku-0059436 in vivo are involved in the bladder carcinogenesis after cystoplasty. Intestinal carcinogenesis is known to be a multistep process called adenoma-carcinoma sequence, progressing from adenoma to adenocarcinoma, involving various oncogenic factors.4 Our case newly demonstrated adenoma-carcinoma sequence histopathologically in the bladder after augmentation cystoplasty. Our findings suggest that multistep carcinogenesis develops in the region of enterovesical anastomosis after cystoplasty as the intestinal carcinogenesis. Late diagnosis of the diseases at an advanced stage accounts for the poor prognosis of patients with malignancies after cystoplasty.2 In our case, the malignancy was fortunately

discovered at the stage of tubulovillous adenoma, and a good prognosis was achieved. Our experience in the current case suggests that detection at the early stage of carcinogenesis improves patient prognosis in malignancies after augmentation cystoplasty. Carcinogenesis in the bladder after augmentation cystoplasty may be a multistep process, progressing adenoma to adenocarcinoma, and detection at the early stage of carcinogenesis would be important Org 27569 for patient prognosis. The authors of this article have no conflict of interest. “
“Initially thought to be a malignancy affecting the pediatric and young adult population, recent studies have identified Xp11 translocation renal cell carcinoma (TRCC) in older adults. Incidence ranges from 0.95% to 5% of all adult renal cell carcinomas (RCCs).1 Considering that RCC is more prevalent in adults than children, Xp11 TRCC in adults represents a greater number of tumors as a whole than Xp11 TRCC in children. Compared with its more indolent presentation in the pediatric population, older adults usually present with advanced stage and distant metastasis.

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