Ongoing studies are using the LIST to assess early smoking reactions and lifetime smoking history, so it is important to document its characteristics and reliability. In future research, LIST items may also be used to construct and analyze empirically derived lifetime smoking trajectories of potential phenotypic importance. Methods Participants Study participants were offspring of pregnant women enrolled in the Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP) between 1959 and 1966. The CPP was a prospective multisite cohort study of neurologic disorders and other conditions in children. Women were enrolled when they presented for prenatal care at one of the 12 hospital clinics located throughout the United States. CPP participants completed detailed social and medical histories; offspring were assessed throughout the first year of life and again at ages 4 and 7.
Study details are described in Broman (1984) and Niswander and Gordon (1972). We refer to the original sample of enrolled pregnant women and their partners as Generation 1 (G1) and study offspring as Generation 2 (G2). The current sample was drawn from the Boston, MA, and Providence, RI, sites of the CPP that enrolled approximately 13,000 G1 pregnant women and more than 15,000 G2s. Beginning in 2003, the Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Center��s (Abrams et al., 2003) New England Family Study (TTURC: NEFS) recontacted approximately 10% of these G2s using a multistage sampling procedure that oversampled families in which multiple siblings participated (described in Gilman et al., 2008 and Kahler et al., 2008).
Of 15,721 G2s who survived to age 7, 4,579 (29%) met preliminary criteria for three ongoing TTURC studies (i.e., had completed age 7 follow-up; G2 was either a Providence singleton or part of a sibling set, or G2 was part of sibling set that was discordant for intrauterine exposure to maternal smoking) and were sent a screening questionnaire. Of 3,121 (68%) who AV-951 returned screeners, 2,271 (73%) were eligible for TTURC: NEFS (i.e., G2 was a current smoker or was from an intact sibling set or had children [G3s] between the ages of 13 and 17 years). Assessments were completed for 1,674 G2s (74% of those screened and eligible) between October 2000 and June 2004. Data for 49 individuals were later excluded because they completed a pilot version of the survey, or there were problems with survey administration, leaving a final sample of 1,625. Test�CRetest Reliability Study Sample (N = 220) From February 2003 to May 2004, TTURC: NEFS participants (N = 344) were invited to participate in a second (retest) interview to take place 4�C8 weeks after baseline. Usable retest data were obtained for 220 (64%).