This peak was reached earlier in LB media and later in M63, Nut, and MH. In M63, Nut, and LB, the corrected activity increased in the late stationary growth phase, reaching values similar to those obtained in the exponential phase. Among the cultures analyzed, microcin N-producing strain grown in M63 medium had the best rate between microcin N activity
and bacterial mass, in both exponential and stationary phases, and so M63 was chosen to grow the cells and purify microcin N. Based on its amino acid sequence, microcin N should be highly hydrophobic, allowing its retention in a hydrophobic C-18 resin. Analysis of microcin N activity present in fractions eluted from a Sep-Pak Alpelisib C18 column preloaded with the supernatant of microcin N-producing strain cultures, showed that microcin N was retained in the C-18 resin and eluted at methanol concentrations >70% (Fig. 3a). SDS-PAGE analysis stained with conventional Coomassie blue did not
show the presence of any protein in the C-18 extract containing microcin N, probably due to the high solubility of microcin N in methanol. To circumvent this problem, we decided to label microcin N with a fluorescamine fluorophore, allowing its direct observation under UV light (Fig. 3b). The results indicate that the fractions with microcin activity present a single band of 7 kDa Rebamipide near the theoretical molecular mass of microcin N. The fractions with activity were pooled and a second step of purification was performed using HPLC. The profile reveals the presence of a peak with a retention time of 16 min (Fig. 4a). The activity of the collected fractions was tested. Only the fractions near the peak showed antimicrobial activity (Fig. 4b). The presence of the polypeptide in the fractions that have activity was confirmed by SDS-PAGE stained with fluorescamine (Fig. 4c). Microcins are thermostable peptides, resistant to proteases and to extreme conditions of pH. In order to determine whether microcin N has the same properties, we analyzed its sensitivity to several enzymatic treatments and
its thermal stability in aqueous solution. Thermal stability experiments showed that microcin N preserves its activity when heated to temperatures up to 80 °C for 30 min. However, microcin activity decreased to half when incubated at 100 °C for 30 min, and disappeared when it was autoclaved for 30 min (data not shown). On the other hand, the enzymatic treatments with lipase and lysozyme did not diminish the activity of microcin N. However, microcin N was partially resistant (50%) to the action of trypsin and fully sensitive to the action of proteinase K (data not shown). In order to characterize the molecular properties of microcin N, its molecular mass was determined by MS using HPLC-purified microcin N.