Am Surg 2002, 68:911–2 PubMed 11 Rohatgi AA, Cherian TT: Spontan

Am Surg 2002, 68:911– PubMed 11. Rohatgi AA, Cherian TT: Spontaneous supture of a left gastroepiploic artery aneurysm. J Postgrad Med 2002, 48:288–9.PubMed 12. Mortele KJ, Cantisani V, Brown DL, Ros PR: Spontaneous intraperitoneal hemorrhage: imaging features. Radiol Clin North Am 2003, 41:1183–201.CrossRefPubMed 13. Yam abuki T, Kojima T, Shimizu T, Kitashiro S, Konishi K, Katoh T, Katoh H: Successful laparoscopic right gastroepiploic aneurysmectomy: report of a case. Surg Today 2003,33(12):932–6.CrossRef Competing interests The authors declare that they have no

competing interests. AZD0156 cost Authors’ contributions KI is a surgeon who was drafting the manuscript and revising it critically for content and was involved in literature research. AB and JMG were surgeons treating of the patient and were

involved in revising the draft critically for content. All authors read and approved the final manuscript”
“Case presentation A previously healthy 35 year old nulliparous woman conceived secondary to egg donation in-vitro fertilisation therapy on a background of primary infertility. Routine antenatal booking visit at 14 weeks gestation revealed a blood pressure of 146/81 with a normal urine specimen. At 18 weeks gestation, high throughput screening compounds she was found to have +3 proteinuric asymptomatic hypertension (184/102 mm Hg) with HELLP syndrome [platelets 105 (150–400 × 109 per litre), alanine transaminase 2223 (5–40 IU/L), aspartate transaminase 2823 (10–40 IU/L),

lactate dehyrogenase 14361(> 600 U/L), INR 1.6 (<1.0), activated partial thromboplastin time 186 (25–40 secs) and a 24 hour urine collection showed 2.8 gr of protein. She complained of some mild epigastric Sucrase discomfort, but this settled with simple analgesia. She was promptly commenced on anti-hypertensive medicine. Her anti – hypertensive requirements gradually increased with an observable worsenening of peripheral oedema and proteinuria. Radiological investigations inclusive of ultrasound of kidneys, gallbladder, spleen and liver at that time were all normal. Multi-disciplinary investigation of underlying aetiologies for this early onset pre-eclampsia did not discern a cause. Connective tissue screening was negative. Although a normal multi-vessel Doppler was present, the estimated fetal weight was 184 grams (<3rd percentile). Two days post admission the patient’s condition changed. She became acutely haemodynamically unstable complaining of severe epigastric pain and obvious hyperreflexia. Immediate transfer to the High Dependency Unit occurred. Ultrasound scan revealed a large liver haematoma (figure 1). The fetal heart beat was still present. She received 4 units of O negative blood. A repeat ultrasound one hour later revealed free blood in the abdominal cavity; the fetal heart beat was now absent. Figure 1 Liver ultrasound shows large haematoma (white arrow spanning the length of the hyperechoic area representing fresh blood).

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