Footnotes Source of Support: Nil toward Conflict of Interest: None declared
We performed a cross-sectional study from January 2011 to June 2011. This research was jointly conducted by Vaagdevi College of Pharmacy and Mahatma Gandhi Memorial (MGM) Hospital. Both are affiliated to Kakatiya University, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India. Study participants The inclusion criteria were: Age >18 years and diabetic. Exclusion criteria were: Endocrine diseases such as Cushing’s disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, acromegaly, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, patient on prolong steroid use, and those who were on active drug treatment for obesity at the time of admission. The source of the data was the outpatients who were attending the MGM Hospital, Warangal.
The Performa included co-morbidities, characteristics, and details of physical and biochemical information and treatment, which were reviewed and recorded. The physical and biochemical measurements were made at the first visit. The independent variables of interest were age, gender, ethnicity, smoking, alcohol consumption, and history of diabetic types. All patients were interviewed regarding duration of diabetes and anti-diabetic drugs. All subjects enrolled in the study underwent detailed clinical examinations, including measurement of height, weight, waist circumference, and blood pressure. Patients were considered hypertensive if these were already on antihypertensive therapy or with a systolic pressure ��135 mm Hg and a diastolic pressure ��85 mm Hg.
Fasting venous blood was sampled from antecubital vein from all patients for the measurement of plasma glucose, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and serum triglycerides. Lifestyle habits Patients were assessed for smoking habits, physical inactivity, and alcohol consumption. Briefly, patients were categorized based on their smoking habits into never smoker, former smoker, and current smoker Data collection In the first two weeks of January 2011, a workshop was conducted in cardiac unit at MGM Hospital, Warangal, which standardized the protocol and methodology (administering the structure questionnaires, drawing blood, and taking medications). Thus, the investigators (diabetologist, cardiologist) epidemiologist, PG students, Interns, students, training nurse, and Pharm. D students took part in the 2-day training course on using NCEP-ATP III guidelines.
Patients were instructed and encouraged not to eat after 7:00 AV-951 p.m. before the laboratory measurement. Baseline overnight fasting blood was drawn from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. Fasting serum and plasma samples [preserved with ethylene diamine tetraaceticacid (EDTA) and sodium fluoride (NaF)] were collected within 2 h of venous blood sampling and immediately frozen to ?20��C until triglycerides, HDL, and cholesterol were analyzed and measured using standard methods.[11] Ethical approval was obtained from the Medical Review Board of Kakatiya Medical College (KMC), Andhra Pradesh, India.